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« Zipline of « Chaos » »

After getting to the biggest room of Madeleine Caverns – Chaos room, you’ll climb the parois using ropes and caving equipement until you get to the ceiling 50 metres high. You’ll then go for an adrenalin ride on a 25-metre long zipline. You’ll finish with a 15metre descent down.

Sportive and playful activity.
Aerial view of the Chaos room.
Guaranteed emotions.

Day : Thursday at 2pm in July and August

Length : 3h30 round trip

Conditions :

  • Reservation required by email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone : +33 4 75 04 35 06
  • 6-8 people maximum
  • 8 years old and older
  • Don’t forget to bring comfortable clothing, e.g. tracksuit and trainers
  • Equipement provided – helmet with light, harness, lanyards
  • Accompanied by a licensed guide
  • Booking recommended

Rates :
Adult – 30€
Child – 18€ (8-12 years old)

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